Monday, September 14, 2015

The Prime Minister Has Left The Building!

Prime Minister, Prime Minister where are you?

Who are you looking for?


Oh, Tony has left the building!

Left his bunker? Does that mean the war is over? He was our war time Prime Minister!

Oh no! Only the battle!

But his army has been routed!

Oh but that does not mean the war is over. The guerrilla war has just begun!

.... But this isn’t Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria!!

And Tony won’t hide in a fox hole in the desert!

God knows where this will end.

Ah, God is Great!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Don't Worry About The Future

Hello Prime Minister, How’s it going?

Great. We are in a new phase of good governance!

So, I thought the economy was heading for car crash!

Ah, that’s why we are reinstating support for the car industry…

And reversing other budget cuts? What about Labour’s budgetary black holes?

We want people to be happy!

Will they be happy when they fall into a black hole?

Now don’t you worry about that! That’s far off in the future, laddy!

Sort of like Climate Change?


I see, Prime Minister.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Prime Minister Fears Executions

All appeals have failed
The executions are inevitable…

There's a bicycle comin'
And I'm gonna ride it
I'll rise in the morning
My fate decided it
I'm a dead man cyclin'
I'm a dead man cyclin'

Already broken, already gone
Already know you're moving on
I'm a breathing, talking
Dead man, cycling
Already see it, in your face
Already someone, in my place
I'm a breathing, talking
Dead man, cycling

I hear the media talking talking talking
Now I'm a dead man cycling cycling cycling
I hear the media talking talking talking
Now I'm a dead man.

In the future, the execution will not be televised.
In the future, the execution will not be televised.

In the future, the execution will not be televised?

(with apologies to Springsteen, The Script and G Scott-Heron)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Knight Prince

Happy New Year Prime Minister!
The war must be going very well!
   Well, yes… it is….
I hear you have a new knight to champion your cause!
Yes, Sir Prince!
   Oh, but knighthoods are not political appointments!
And neither are the Royals!
So what is the point of them?
   Well, they show others what we stand for! And they make us feel good too.
You must be feeling really good then, Prime Minister???